Duncan Laurie

Research interests

I am currently a PhD student at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, supervised by Professor Kevin McGerty and working in the Algebra research group.

My research is in algebra and geometric representation theory, more specifically quantum groups, quantum affine algebras, crystal bases, quantum toroidal algebras, quiver varieties, and related areas.

This autumn I will be starting as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Edinburgh, working with Alexander Shapiro.


Email: firstname [dot] lastname [at] maths [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk

There is also a contact form on my Mathematical Institute profile.

Fig. 1. An illustration of the quantum toroidal algebra and its generators, highlighting the horizontal and vertical quantum affine subalgebras Uh and Uv respectively

Fig. 2. Young wall patterns for types E_6^(1), E_7^(1) and E_8^(1) as constructed in my paper arXiv:2311.03905